2014-2015 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Physical Education Department
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The Physical Education Department offers courses that provide activity-oriented subjects that are instrumental in the development of the sound physical health habits each student needs to attain and maintain physical conditioning. Other subject areas include those related to training for the prevention and emergency treatment of sudden and life-threatening illnesses.
Students who are on the official roster for a team sport may use the team sport to satisfy the Physical Education graduation requirement. Students must register for PE 1109 (fall) or PE 1209 (spring) and go to the first class meeting in order for the team sport to satisfy the requirement. If the student leaves the team, he/she must resume attendance of the weekly PE classes.
Students may take PE 1109 or PE 1209 a maximum of four times, for a total of 4 credits, 2 credits will be used to satisfy the Physical Education graduation requirement. An additional 2 credits may be counted as elective credit.
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