Feb 11, 2025
BY 1115 - Natural Science I Natural Science I introduces some of the basic physical and chemical principles that affect our world and then concentrates on the biological principles that pertain to living things in general and human beings in particular. The concepts build from the cellular level to the systems level and then to the organism as a whole. Natural Science II is a continuation of Natural Science I and begins with a study of basic ecological concepts. It builds to an examination of the roles humans have played in creating some of the problems we face today as well as the roles we may play to help alleviate them. Topics include population growth, energy sources, and air, water, solid waste, and toxic waste pollution. Natural Science I (or permission of the Department Chairperson) is a prerequisite for BY 1216 - Natural Science II . Not available to biology majors and does not substitute for an introductory biology course.
3 hours Lecture each 3 credits
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