Jun 16, 2024  
2021-2022 Catalog 
2021-2022 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Graduate Public Policy

  • MPP 6051 - Community Based Research Methods

    Cross-Listed As: MPP 4051

    This graduate course in qualitative methods is designed to introduce students to the traditions and research design of qualitative methods in the social sciences, and to provide a foundation for understanding them. It presents opportunities to learn, hands-on, the primary techniques of the major data collection methods in qualitative methods. Students taking this course will design their own research project from conceptualization to the finished product and presentation. The project will require data to be collected using qualitative methods. This course is guided by the conviction that in order to make a difference, we need good and useful data derived from sound methodological approaches to research-quantitative or qualitative. Whenever we do research with a community, however, we must have “qualitative” skills regardless of how we do the actual research. This depends on the strength of the relationship between the researcher and the community. All of the skills of good qualitative research–good listening skills, good interviewing skills, good observational skills, are crucial in the design and implementation of even a quantitative survey.

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • MPP 6052 - Quantitative Research Methods

    Cross-Listed As: MPP 4052

    This is a graduate course that focuses on applying existing quantitative methods to make informed managerial decisions.

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • MPP 6110 - Agriculture, Food & Trade Policies

    Cross-Listed As: MPP 4110

    Contemporary government economic policies and programs affecting the U.S. agricultural and food sector will be the focus of this course. As a capstone course designation, this course builds upon the student’s understanding of economic tools and concepts as covered in previous course work. More specifically, the course will use these economic tools and concepts in the analysis and evaluation of public policies affecting agriculture and food. The influence of macroeconomic policy, the world economy, and international trade on U.S. agriculture and food sector is also discussed.

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • MPP 6111 - Global Agricultural Ecology

    Cross-Listed As: MPP 4111

    This course is intended to help students solve the fundamental agricultural question “Why do farmers produce what they produce where they produce it”?  Every item discussed in this course is aimed at solving this question.

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • MPP 6112 - Agriculture & Applied Economics

    Cross-Listed As: MPP 4112

    Agricultural and applied economics (microeconomics) is the study of the behavior of individual economic units, such as consumers and firms, how they make their decisions and how they interact. Since the “real world” is extremely complex, we need to simplify our views of the economic players if we are to make any headway in understanding them. These simplifications are called “microeconomic models.” In this course we will study how economists form and develop these models. We will look at the simplifications economists make and ask how much “realism” is being set aside by our simplifications, and try to determine what, if any, important insights our models may prevent us from making. It is important to remember that this is a course on economic methodology, not on policy. A lot of what you learn here will be applied later in other courses you will take.

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • MPP 6113 - Agricultural Prices

    Cross-Listed As: MPP 4113

    This course builds upon the student’s understanding of agricultural and applied economics (microeconomics) as covered in previous course work. More specifically, the course will explore the factors affecting prices of agricultural products longtime, cyclical, seasonal, and other price movements sources of information relating to production and demand factors, government activities as they relate to prices of agricultural products, and methods and problems in price analysis and forecasting. Further, the course will integrate the training the student has had in computer methods with economics, making economics a value-added tool that the student can bring to bear on his/her daily and professional life.

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • MPP 6114 - Community Development & Planning

    Cross-Listed As: MPP 4114

    The purpose of this course is to explore the notion of community development in general, and the notion of sustainable community development more specifically. The course is not designed to give you the answer on how to achieve sustainable community development, but rather to expose you to a variety of elements and viewpoints about it. As future policy makers, part of the skill set you are learning is the capacity to integrate and synthesize a multitude of perspectives into a coherent idea - this class is ideally suited to push you in that direction. This class will hopefully enlarge your conception about what community development is and how it is pursued, as well as push you to look inward, challenge your assumptions and stereotypes about the world, and leave you with a richer (if not more confused) notion of how the world works and what can be done to make things better.

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • MPP 6115 - Contesting Development

    Cross-Listed As: MPP 4115

    This research seminar will examine the contemporary context of uncertainty that has arisen from environmental, economic and political crises largely fueled by a hypermodern vision of development. Dwindling social gains have caused many to question the promise of development and the certitude of modernity. Through the lens of various social struggles in distinct but related spaces of the global political economy, we will explore both the limiting assumptions of development discourse and practice and the possibilities of alternative visions of progress. Students will choose a particular national, international, or transnational social struggle engaged in both the contestation and rethinking of traditional visions of development to further explore and investigate.

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • MPP 6116 - Contemporary Urban & Regional Planning

    Cross-Listed As: MPP 4116

    The course builds on the planning basics introduced to the student in the DVU undergraduate course Regional Land Use Planning. The historical underpinnings of planning and the analytical tools of planning are reviewed.  Governmental context and regulatory aspects affecting planning at the regional and local levels are addressed. The planning process and the tools and techniques of traditional and innovative land use planning and growth management are presented. The interconnection between environmental protection, infrastructure problems, transportation topics, and economic development is discussed from a planning-for-sustainability perspective. Development theory and practice and how they affect spatial patterns of development of cities and regions as well as urban design are investigated.  Preparing a mock local development plan gives the student team planning experience. Independent research on a planning topic or current planning issue helps the student enhance the learning experience in this course. Student prospects on continuing their planning education and possibly entering the planning profession are examined.

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • MPP 6117 - Environmental Law & Policy

    Cross-Listed As: MPP 4117

    This course is designed to offer students the opportunity to gain an understanding of the causes and cures of our environmental issues as well as, an inquiry into how we address those issues through political and social means. Our planet is impacted by an expanding human population, poverty, the lack of necessary public and natural resources, and the dangers of toxic emissions and other pollutants imposed onto the environment and into ourselves. Dealing effectively with these issues requires an understanding of interactions between the human systems and the natural world, social mechanisms, and applying critical thinking skills with, interdisciplinary scientific analysis if we are to have long-term and sustainable solutions for the benefit of current and future generations.

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • MPP 6118 - Geographic Information Systems

    Cross-Listed As: MPP 4118

    This course introduces the principles of a geographic information system, such as ArcView, in the analysis of land use, population studies, and demographic distributions. Students will apply this software to Environmental Science applications.  Lecture and hands-on format.

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • MPP 6119 - Environmental Justice

    Cross-Listed As: MPP 4119

    This course focuses on the uneven distribution of environmental degradation and environmental protection, considering the connection between environmental problems and race/ethnicity and class. We will focus on environmental justice/equity, social movements, health, policy, and risk to analyze the social processes which generate racism and class stratification that influence the distribution of ecological costs and benefits at the local, national and global levels. An analysis of inequalities in relation to the environment gives us insight into the complex social processes that define, create and even threaten our natural, social and built environments. This course provides a sociological perspective on environmental issues, investigating the relationships between various environmental and social problems and considering how political, social, and economic factors have come to shape our patterns of interaction. Throughout the course we will consider such issues as the siting of hazardous facilities in urban and rural minority areas, the extraction of resources from native lands, national and transnational export of toxic waste to the South, decision-making around health issues, and the development of a distinct environmental justice movement. During the course of the semester we will ask such questions as: What is environmental justice? What groups are most affected by environmental inequalities? What is the likelihood for change and a movement to a more sustainable future?

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • MPP 6120 - Food Security & Sovereignty

    Cross-Listed As: MPP 4120

    This research seminar will explore the politics of food from a systemic framework through the policies of food security and contemporary responses by social movements advocating food sovereignty. We will begin the course by examining hunger nationally and internationally. Our readings will explore such issues as the complicity in how food stamp and welfare policies are created to intra-household food distribution to the purposeful creation of famine for political and even genocidal ends. An underlying assumption of this seminar is that politics, very simply, affect hunger. Students will explore and research particular food policies that bring light to the distinct political frameworks of food security and food sovereignty.

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • MPP 6121 - Globalization & International Developmen

    Cross-Listed As: MPP 4121

    This course on globalization and international development examines the social, economic, political and cultural causes and consequences of the long-term historical changes in the world since the end of World War II from a sociological perspective. We will discuss the issues, methods, paradigms and leading figures in the Sociology of Development and Globalization, as well as several substantive topics of empirical research. We will address macro issues of social structure and changes as well as how these impact individuals and groups in developing societies. This course demonstrates that globalization is not uni-directional: the developed world is also greatly influenced by events and trends in the developing world, although this is still not widely recognized or acknowledged. It presents alternate and competing viewpoints, as well as the reflections of many scholars and practitioners involved in formulating and implementing policies. We will address such questions as: What explains the differences in the rates of economic growth, the structures of economies, types of political systems, popular and official reactions to globalization, the ability to build viable political institutions, changes in social structure and social relations? How should we think about these issues? What standards, measures and terminology should be used to evaluate changes? What is the appropriate role (and who decides?) of the developed world - states, militaries, non-governmental organizations, multinational corporations, mass movements, multilateral institutions - in addressing many of these topics? How should the Western world adjust to its diminished status and clout? Is there a “best” form of development to strive for, and who decides this as well as how to achieve it for each society? Are the experiences of some societies transferable to others?

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • MPP 6122 - Ecofeminism

    Cross-Listed As: MPP 4122

    This course will focus on the history and evolution of ecofeminist thought. The course will explore the movement from its theoretical foundation in the 1970s until today. At stake will be an evaluation of the primary arguments in the discourse. Specifically, students will examine the essentialist (spiritual) and material (political) camps within ecofeminism criticism. The course will ground students in the basic principles of feminism, colonialism and Marxism in order to better facilitate an understanding of ecofeminism. Students should leave the class with a clearer idea of how Western Philosophy understands space and place through the same patriarchal lens focused on woman since Plato’s time. 

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • MPP 6123 - Social Policy & Social Justice

    Cross-Listed As: MPP 4123

    How are social problems created? How are they addressed? The purpose of this course is to explore the social construction of social problems and their policy responses. Social problems have been created by human beings and continue to be held in place by our consent and our failure to act to change them. This course analyzes key social problems and the social policies designed to address them in the United States. We will analyze the limitations of the social policies we have developed to solve social problems, as well as develop new ideas for more socially just and equitable policies. Contemporary policies will be linked to the historical values, the economic structure, and the legacy of discrimination in the United States, with the goal of promoting policy change that enhances are commitment to social justice. 

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • MPP 6124 - Wildlife Law & Policy

    Cross-Listed As: MPP 4124

    This course is designed to give students a broad overview of the laws and policies that govern both domestic and international wildlife. Students will explore historical and cultural contexts that have shaped wildlife laws and policies, as well as develop an understanding for policy design and how competing interests influence wildlife policy implementation. Through investigation of case studies and court decisions, students will critically evaluate consequences of law and policy in regard to species protection, economy, and society. 

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • MPP 6125 - The Bioethics of Genomics

    Cross-Listed As: MPP 4125

    The course focuses upon the implications of genome technologies on our individual lives and social contracts. This course will be especially focused on immediate technologies and techniques that differentiate the bioethics of the moment from historical discussions on the implications of genetic knowledge. Topics include but are not limited to the advent and status quo of genomic technologies and information, consumer diagnostic devices, large scale human SNP data implications, personalized genomes and medicine, a history of eugenics, genetic testing, embryo screening, ownership and protection of genetic identity, the insurance implications of genomics, transgenic agriculture, genetically modified organisms, recombinant DNA technology, the implications of DNA patent law, gene replacement therapies, stem cell therapy, sports and gene doping, synthetic biology, genetic social inequality, and pharmacogenomics. 

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • MPP 6126 - The Bioethics of Pharmaceuticals

    Cross-Listed As: MPP 4126

    The course focuses on the ethical and social issues that surround the process of therapeutic development, manufacturing, marketing and distribution. Particular focus will be placed upon understanding the numerous ethical dichotomies present in this simultaneously high-risk and high-profit driven industry at a time of profound domestic and international need for disease treatments. Topics include but are not limited to the pharmaceutical development and testing life cycle, the ethics and results of clinical trials, clinical equipoise, non-clinical toxicology, pharmaceutical regulation and the capture effect, the drug discovery process, domestic patent law, international patent law, patent enforcement, the implications of DNA patent law, medical practitioner & pharmaceutical firm relationships, the ethics of pharmaceutical marketing, pharmaceutical product liability, first-world vs. third-world disease pharmaceutical development, epidemiology as it relates to drug development and distribution, and homeopathic therapeutic regulation and distribution. 

    Prerequisite(s): GPS 4126

  • MPP 6127 - Thinking Green: Western Ideas ofyMan-Nature Relationship From the ModernyAge to the Age of Ecology

    Cross-Listed As: MPP 4127

    The course is an intellectual history on the development of environmental thoughts and ecological consciousness in the Western societies. It will examine the ideas of man-nature relationship from the Scientific Revolution to the establishment of ecology as an academic discipline of 1970s. The course aims to provide intellectual background that links to the central features and debates of contemporary environmental issues and policies. 

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • MPP 6128 - Environmental Impacts

    Cross-Listed As: MPP 4128

    This course looks at past and current practices and policies and their effects on our environment. It includes presentations by a number of guest speakers from the public and private sector. Corrective measures are studied and discussed. There is no textbook for the course but readings and material presented by the speakers will be used. 

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • MPP 6129 - The State

    Cross-Listed As: MPP 4129

    This course examines the role of the state in society. Special attention is paid to the concept of power and legitimacy. Students will examine the state as a construct as well as case studies of the theories under discussion. 

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • MPP 6130 - Extractive Economics

    Cross-Listed As: MPP 4130

    An extractive economy is a resource-based economy dependent upon harvesting or extracting natural resources for sale or trade. They are most often associated with colonial economies, whether in formal or informal empires. This course examines extractive economies from a policy perspective, emphasizing the impacts and problems associated with such economies. 

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • MPP 6131 - Energy Policy

    Cross-Listed As: MPP 4131

    This course examines the energy policy of the United States from the Industrial Revolution to the present. Special attention is paid to the transition between fuels, government intervention and regulation, and the role of technological innovation.

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • MPP 6132 - Environmental History

    Cross-Listed As: MPP 4132

    This course examines the environmental history of the United States since the colonial era. Special attention is paid to shifts in American attitudes toward the environment and the resulting policies stemming from these shifts. 

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • MPP 6133 - Science & Technology Policy

    Cross-Listed As: MPP 4133

    This course examines the government’s role in the funding and development of science and technology. While government has long had a role in the furtherance of scientific research and the development of technology, World War II greatly enlarged and accelerated that role, especially in the United States. 

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • MPP 6134 - Non-Profit Policy, Governance and Practice

    This exciting course provides a detailed review of the thriving area of non-profit organization law, governance and policy, including a comprehensive background and history of non-profit organizations in the United States. It will cover the public policy reasons why non-profit organizations are exempt from federal and state income taxes and why donations are permitted as charitable deductions to the donor. In addition, the social policy, economic, and business distinctions between non-profit organizations and for-profit organizations will be reviewed.  This course also covers the broad societal benefit attributed to non-profit organizations, the enormous impact that the non-profit sector has on the United States and global economies, and it will focus on potential drawbacks of differing applicable state laws.  In addition to using classroom discussion, case studies, reading assignments, and a wealth of current scholarly articles, offering differing outlooks on the future of non-profit organizations this course also a clinical, experiential component. Students will either be linked up to participating non-profit organizations for which students will provide assistance in specifically designated areas such as streamlining policy statements, conducting budget review, compiling and organizing information and organizational documents, limited, light operational and governance assistance, and networking and outreach or will be provided with non-profit organization scenarios and case studies for which they will have to make a brief presentation to help in their understanding of the practical side of non-profit organizations.   

    3 Hours Lecture
  • MPP 6990 - Special Topics in Policy Studies

    Cross-Listed As: MPP 4990

    Special Topics in Policy Studies allows the Policy Studies Program to offer courses that investigate areas of inquiry and specialization not otherwise covered by the electives. These courses are offered as demand requires. The course may involve faculty with certain specific expertise or experience, course topics of special interest to students, or methods of inquiry that reflect the latest in current scholarship and practice. 

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • MPP 6997 - Capstone

    Capstone course for Public Policy students.

  • MPP 6998 - Thesis

    Thesis Course

    1-6 Hours Lecture
    1-6 Credits
  • MPP 6999 - Internship


    6 Hours Lecture
    6 Credits

Landscape Architecture and Environmental Sciences

  • LAES 1035 - Graphic Studio I

    Visual thinking and communication are basic skills that inform all design work.  In this course, students will develop skills in observation, drawing, graphic storytelling, design composition, color, various graphic media (such as pencil, ink, watercolor, color pencil), graphic techniques and graphic standards/conventions for landscape architecture. These graphic skills form the foundation for future design studios as well as work with industry professionals and clients.

    3 Hours Lecture
  • LAES 1120 - Sustainability: Saving the Earth and Feeding the People

    Environmental issues facing the rural and urban environment are discussed. Special emphasis is placed on the concept of sustainability and food. Addressing environmental issues requires interaction between technical, economic, and social forces. This course will ask the student to consider these forces on a local and global basis as well as the knowledge required to make informed decisions. The course explores the concept of sustainability, its meaning, its application, and its impact on the way we live.

    3 hours Lecture
    3 credits
  • LAES 1125 - Introduction to Design

    An introduction to landscape architecture and environmental design. The course explores the history of the profession, current topics, career opportunities and a hands-on introduction to the world of graphic storytelling. Required for Environmental Design majors, but open to all students.

    2 hours
    2 credit
  • LAES 1301 - Plant Health Management

    Plant Health is designed to acquaint students with pest identification, monitoring and management techniques in horticultural and agronomic crop systems with an emphasis on organic practices. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) concepts and plant heath promoting practices will be illustrated by direct observation and student experience.

    Through field-based exercises students will become familiar with monitoring, identification and forecasting techniques used in the management of insect, disease and weed pests commonly found in the Northeastern U.S.

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits

  • LAES 1302 - Soil Biology

    Soil Biology

    2 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • LAES 1302L - Soil Biology Lab

    Soil Biology Lab

    3 Hours Lab
  • LAES 2004 - Soils

    An introductory course in soils exploring the concepts and terminology of soil development, soil formation and composition, and the physical, chemical and biological properties and processes in soils. Soil classification, soil conservation, and nutrient systems are also introduced. Chemical and physical properties as they relate to environmental concerns are reviewed. Laboratory demonstrations and exercises parallel selected portions of the lecture material.

    Prerequisite(s): CH 1001 - Chemistry Fundamentals  or CH 1103 - General Chemistry I   or permission of Instructor.

    2 hours Lecture and 3 hours Laboratory
    3 credits
  • LAES 2015 - Landscape Techniques

    This course stresses the application of basic landscaping, landscape maintenance and nursery production, handling and marketing techniques through hands-on laboratories in small groups and practical lectures. Required for all Ornamental Horticulture majors.

    2 hours Lecture and 3 hours Laboratory
    3 credits
  • LAES 2016 - Basic Plant Management

    The goal of this course is to provide an integrated understanding of both the technical information and its practical application within this industry. This course provides foundation knowledge for the management of plants at various life stages and it is expected that students will assimilate and use all information to develop thoughtful and reasoned solutions to various problems.

  • LAES 2017 - Land Surveying

    This course includes land surveying principles, use of survey instruments, field methods, data collection, and an introduction to Geographical Information Systems.

    Co-requisite: LAES-2017L

    2 hours Lecture and 3 hours Laboratory
    3 credits
  • LAES 2118 - Woody Plant Identification II

    The course focuses on the identification, culture and landscape uses of native and introduced trees, shrubs and vines. This spring course features evergreen coniferous plants and spring blooming plants. Extensive use is made of the Henry Schmieder Arboretum plant collections on campus. CAN be taken without LAES 2220 - Woody Plant Identification I .

    1 hour Lecture and 3 hours Laboratory
    2 credits
  • LAES 2133 - Design Studio I: Design Process and Communication

    The first course in the design studio sequence introduces students to the regenerative design process and graphic communication. It is intended to open the mind to creative expression, critical problem solving and design communication through a comprehensive understanding of the spirit of place, stakeholders’ values and green sciences and technologies.

    6 hours Studio
    3 credits
  • LAES 2135 - Site Engineering I

    The fundamentals of surveying, grading, drainage, construction documentation, construction specifications, plant lists and plant specifications are taught. The course will utilize the outdoors, hand drawing and computer-aided design software to develop student capabilities.

    Prerequisite(s): LAES 3231 - Computer-Aided Design  

    4 hours Studio
    2 credits
  • LAES 2208 - Medicinal Plants

    The course reviews human health philosophies of diverse cultures and societies; covers history and practice of herbal medicine; examines properties of phytochemicals and therapeutic values: learn botanical and medical significance of medicinal plants; learn fundamental plant taxonomy, identify commonly used woody and herbaceous medicinal plants; and examine their uses and cultivation on campus and off campus; discusses biodiversity and sustainability of medicinal plants as alternative crops; and researches new developments, applications and legislations of medicinal plants.

    Prereq/Corequisite LAES-2208L - Lab

    3 Credits
  • LAES 2209 - Soil Fertility and Fertilizers

    The role of essential elements in plant nutrition is discussed as well as practical applications in the area of soil deficiencies. Emphasis is placed on fertilizer types, usage, and applications for various agronomic and horticulture crops. In the laboratory, emphasis is placed on instrumentation and methodology for solving soil fertility problems.

    Prerequisite(s): LAES 2004 - Soils  

    2 hours Lecture and 3 hours Laboratory
    3 credits
  • LAES 2220 - Woody Plant Identification I

    The course focuses on the identification, culture and landscape uses of native and introduced trees, shrubs and vines. This fall course features plants that bloom in the summer and fall as well as plants that display autumn foliage and fruits. Extensive use is made of the Henry Schmieder Arboretum plant collections on campus.

    1 hour Lecture and 3 hours Laboratory
    2 credits
  • LAES 2242 - Site Engineering II

    The second site engineering course further develops the student’s knowledge and capabilities in construction detailing. The course utilizes real sites and real projects to explore complex issues of grading, drainage, construction details and construction specifications.

    Prerequisite(s): LAES 2135 - Site Engineering I  

    4 hours Studio
    2 credits
  • LAES 2247 - Design Studio II: Site Design

    In the second studio course, students continue to develop their understandings of and capabilities in regenerative design strategy. The focus is site planning and design development of smaller projects such as residential, community and school gardens.

    Prerequisite(s): LAES 2133 - Design Studio I: Design Process and Communication  

    6 hours Studio
    3 credits
  • LAES 3000 - Selected Topics I

    Special projects designed to meet individual needs of students in the specialized fields of agriculture. Projects are arranged on a one-to-one basis with a department faculty member with the approval of the department chairperson. Total Selected Topics credit accepted toward graduation limited to 2 credits.

    3 hours of student/faculty instruction per week
    1 credit
  • LAES 3050 - Flower Show Design Build Studio

    In this course, students are involved with every aspect of the University’s major exhibit at the Philadelphia International Flower Show, the largest indoor flower show in the world. Field trips and guest lecturers are coupled with research and createive design to enrich the course. Note: this experiential learning course runs from September through March and may require participation outside of the shceduled class hours.   Students MUST register for both Fall and Spring semesters to obtain full course credit. Please note that the final grade for the 2-credit Fall semester will be provided upon completion of the Spring semester. The grade is based on the course requirements and grading policy outlined in the course syllabus.

    3 Hours
    2 Credits
  • LAES 3101 - Flower Show Practicum

    In this course, students are involved with every aspect of a major exhibit at the Philadelphia International Flower Show, the largest indoor flower show in the world. Field trips and guest lecturers are used extensively to enrich the course.

    Note: This special course runs from September through March and requires participation outside of scheduled class hours. Students must register for both for the fall and spring semesters. Total practicum credit accepted towards graduation limited to 2 credits

    1 credit
    Graded pass/fail
  • LAES 3103 - Soil Judging

    Enrollment in Soil Judging is limited in number and is open to full-time students only. A wide range of soils are evaluated, classified and interpreted based upon morphology, soil profile and site characteristics. An intercollegiate Soil Judging Team is selected from students taking the course and some travel is required. The Soil Judging Team competes in the Northeast Regional Contest and may qualify for the National Collegiate Soils Contest.

    Prerequisite(s): LAES 2004 - Soils .

    3 hours Laboratory
    1 credit
  • LAES 3104 - Field Soil Morphology

    The examination of soils in the field is treated for the purpose of their classification, recognition and understanding of their parent materials, physical and chemical properties, and to understand their relationship to topography.

    Prerequisite(s): LAES 2004 - Soils .

    2 hours Lecture and 3 hours Laboratory
    3 credits
  • LAES 3105 - Soil Conservation

    The need for soil and water conservation is stressed as it relates to rural and urban situations. The main causes of soil and water losses are evaluated and protective measures are discussed and designed. The laboratory deals with the practical application of designs discussed in lectures. On-site layouts for several conservation projects are required. Several field trips are taken during the semester.

    Prerequisite(s): LAES 2004 - Soils  and MP 1102 - College Algebra . Recommended/Requirement Topographical Surveying and GIS.

    2 hours Lecture and 3 hours Laboratory
    3 credits
  • LAES 3107 - Environmental Geology

    This course is designed to acquaint the students with basic processes and relationships in physical geology. Landscape evolution, rock and mineral types, mountain building, and glaciation are among the topics discussed. Laboratory work centers on recognition and interpretation of landscape features shown on topographic maps and aerial photographs. Field trips are conducted to illustrate material.

    3 hours Lecture and Discussion
    3 credits
  • LAES 3109 - Interior Plant Identification, Culture and Use

    This self-paced, independent course of study uses the resources of the College’s Arthur Poley Conservatory and the Henry Schmieder Arboretum tropical plant collections. The course also uses a specially designed Internet-accessible study manual and instructor/student interaction to guide students in the study of interior plant identification, culture and use.

    2 hours lecture (Arranged)
    2 credits
  • LAES 3117 - Herbaceous Plant Materials I

    The identification, use, culture, and sources of annuals, aquatics, biennials, bulbs, and ornamental grasses are covered. Extensive use is made of the Henry Schmieder Arboretum plant collections.

    1 hour Lecture and 3 hours Laboratory
    2 credits
  • LAES 3125 - Principles of Ecology

    This course is intended to provide Continuing Education students who are enrolled in the Environmental Studies Certificate Program with a basic understanding of the concepts and principles of the science of ecology. It is strongly recommended that this be the initial course taken by students in the aforementioned program. There are no prerequisites and it is not to be substituted for the 4 credit Ecology course offered by the Biology Department.

    3 hours Lecture
    3 credits
  • LAES 3130 - Design Studio III: Master Planning

    Regenerative design strategy is applied in this studio to large scale master planning and regional design projects.

    Prerequisite(s): LAES 2247 - Design Studio II: Site Design   

    6 hours Studio
    3 credits
  • LAES 3132 - Dendrology

    This covers the identification, ecological adaptation, distribution and use of both native and introduced woody trees and shrubs. The laboratory includes identification and adaptation studies during the different seasons of the year. Not open to Ornamental Horticulture majors.

    2 hours Lecture and 3 hours Laboratory
    3 credits
  • LAES 3134 - Habitats

    This course takes a holistic systemic look at nature by studying the habitats of the Northeast. The interrelations and inter-dependencies of the biotic and abiotic factors of our regional habitats will be studied. System stress factors will be identified as well as their disruptive effects on systems. Relevant ecoregions will be investigated  to better understand how systems function, flourish, or falter. Indicator biotic species and abiotic factors indigenous to these ecoregions will be identified and studied as well as species and factors indicative of disrupted systems. - 3 credits

    3 Credits
  • LAES 3140 - Environmental Impacts

    This course examines current practices and policies within our society and their effect on air, land and water quality. Alternative methods are proposed and analyzed, including the role of individuals and governments in curtailing activities which are destructive to the environment. Presentations, discussion and case studies are offered by environmental specialists and administrators from the private and public sector, as well as government legislators and representatives of local, state and federal regulatory agencies.

    3 hours Lecture and Discussion
    3 credits
  • LAES 3147 - Today’s Sustainable Homestead

    Using an interdisciplinary approach, this course explores how traditional time-tested approaches can be combined with cutting-edge and emerging technologies to enable homeowners to live more self-reliantly and sustainably on limited acreage. Impacts of location, zoning, property size and type as well as other factors affecting sustainable living are explored. Practical approaches to plant and animal based food production and preservation, energy conservation and production, water and waste management, alternative energy and other topics will be discussed.

    3 hours lecture
    3 credits
  • LAES 3166 - Construction Methods

    The purpose of this course is to introduce
    students to the many tools, equipment, and
    procedures utilized in the installation of
    landscape construction projects. It shall include
    introductions to the material characteristics and
    uses that are common to the industry and
    discussion for how to maximize the
    characteristics of these materials by the
    methodes used in their installation.

    Co-requisite: Associated Laboratory Course Prereq/Corequisite LAES 3260  

  • LAES 3205 - Site Analys & Design Proc

    Site Analys & Design Proc

    3 Hours Lecture
  • LAES 3208 - Medicinal Plant Practicum

    Medicinal Plants Practicum is a hands-on practical course focusing on growth, cultivation, tissue culture, commercial production, utilization, marketing and sales of medicinal plants. Emphasis on practice in seeding, growing, cultivating, sustainable and organic farming, harvesting, processing, extracting, preparation, medicine making, application, plant identification and conservation, marketing and sales of seasonally available medicinal plants. Major part of this course will be taught at a community farm of medicinal plants. 3 Credits.

    Co-requisite: LAES-3208L (Medicinal Plants Practicum Lab)

  • LAES 3210 - Interior Plantscaping

    This course examines “Stress Horticulture” as it affects Interior Plantscaping, the landscaping of interior areas such as offices, shopping malls, and other public and private buildings. It explores Interior Plantscaping professional practice, design, installation, and maintenance and introduces computer imaging as a valuable Interiorscaping tool.

    Prerequisite(s): LAES 3109 - Interior Plant Identification, Culture and Use .

    Offered Offered in the fall semester of even numbered years.

    2 hours Lecture
    2 credits
  • LAES 3213 - Landscape Graphics

    Landscape Graphics

    2 Hours Studio
  • LAES 3215 - History of Landscape Architecture

    A critical and historical analysis of the development of the main types and periods of landscape design.

    2 hours Lecture and Discussion
    2 credits
  • LAES 3216 - Soil Classification

    Fundamental concepts of soil formation and classification are reviewed with special emphasis placed on field investigations. Soil survey interpretations and land use concepts are related to the properties of the soil. Environmental considerations in land use planning are emphasized.

    Prerequisite(s): LAES 3107 - Environmental Geology  or Permission of Instructor.

    2 hours Lecture and 3 hours Laboratory
    3 credits
  • LAES 3217 - Herbaceous Plant Materials II

    The identification, use, culture, and sources of perennials, herbs and roses are covered. Extensive use is made of the Henry Schmieder Arboretum plant collections. May be taken before LAES 3117 - Herbaceous Plant Materials I .

    1 hour Lecture and 3 hours Lab
    2 credits
  • LAES 3220 - Watershed Management

    The objectives of this course are to (1) provide a basic understanding of hydrologic processes, (2) understand the effects of urbanization and industrialization on water resources, (3) examine ways to properly use and maintain water resources, and (4) provide some practical experience working with environmental problems concerning water resources and hydrological processes.

    Prerequisite(s): MP 1102 - College Algebra  and LAES 2004 - Soils . Recommended/Requirement Topographical Surveying and GIS. Prereq/Corequisite LAES- 3220L

    2 hours Lecture and 3 hours Laboratory
    3 credits
  • LAES 3221 - Design Studio IV: Built Environments

    The regenerative design strategy is explored in urban, semi-urban, suburban and small town projects.

    Prerequisite(s): LAES 3130 - Design Studio III: Master Planning  

    6 hours Studio
    3 credits
  • LAES 3224 - Landscape Construction

    This course focuses on understanding the materials used in landscape construction, design considerations for these materials, and the installation of construction projects.

    2 hours Lecture and 3 hours Laboratory
    3 credits
  • LAES 3225 - Arboriculture

    Principles are presented in this course that pertain to the area and management of large ornamental trees and shrubs in the established landscape. Consideration is given to environmental factors, nutrition, soils, insect and disease control, and the use of ropes and other safety equipment in tree climbing and pruning.

    Offered Offered in the fall semester.

    2 hours Lecture and 3 hours Laboratory
    3 credits
  • LAES 3227 - Global Field Studies

    Global Field Studies

    3 Hours Practicum
  • LAES 3232 - Introduction to Floral Design

    Basic skills and techniques required to create floral arrangements, corsages, and various other designs are discussed and practiced.  Use of materials, care of cut flowers, and appropriate design presentation are discussed

    6 Hours Lecture
  • LAES 3237 - Introduction to Horticultural Therapy

    This course will provide students with educational opportunities on the profound interaction of people and plants as well as the benefits of horticulture on the mind, body and soul. Students will learn the concepts, history, principles, practice, basic skills, applied research and recent developments of horticultural therapy; familiarize with physically, mentally and emotionally challenged populations in different settings; take field trips to local facilities and connect with professionals in the field.

    2 hours Lecture and 2 hours Lab
    3 credits
  • LAES 3250 - Introduction to Environmental Remediation

    This course is an introduction to the process of assessing and remediating the hazards posed by environmental contamination.

    3 hours Lecture
    3 credits
  • LAES 3251 - Horticultural Therapy Techniques and Practices

    This course provides students in horticultural therapy with hands-on opportunities for developing horticultural techniques and skills needed to work with varied populations with special needs. Students will be supervised and trained to practice horticultural therapy techniques and gain experience in diverse settings.

    Prerequisite(s): LAES 3237 - Introduction to Horticultural Therapy .

    2 hours Lecture and 2 Hours Lab
    3 credits
  • LAES 3260 - Construction Materials

    The purpose of this course is to introduce
    students to the many factors, both technical and
    practical, involved in the utilization of
    construction materials in the design and
    implementation of landscape designs. It shall
    include introductions to the material
    characteristics and uses that are common to the

  • LAES 3365 - Horticultural Therapy Management

    This course prepares students in horticultural therapy to develop, manage, supervise and evaluate horticultural therapy programs. Students will visit local horticultural therapy sites to learn about managing and supervising experience from horticultural therapists. This course will study strategies of how to run a horticultural therapy program as a growing business.

    Prerequisite(s): LAES 3251 - Horticultural Therapy Techniques and Practices .

    2 hours Lecture and 2 hours Lab
    3 credits
  • LAES 3649 - Soils and Agricultural Waste Management

    The course is designed to introduce the student to fundamental concepts and processes pertaining to waste management and land application of livestock and food processing wastes. Special emphasis is placed on the nutrient value of treated wastes and recycling these materials into the soil. Consideration is given to the agricultural aspects of waste management and the environmental impacts involved.

    3 hours Lecture
    3 credits
  • LAES 4000 - Selected Topics II

    Special projects designed to meet individual needs of students in the specialized fields of agriculture. Projects are arranged on a one-to-one basis with a department faculty member with the approval of the department chairperson. Total Selected Topics credit accepted toward graduation limited to 2 credits.

    3 hours of student/faculty instruction per week
    1 credit
  • LAES 4008 - Seminar (Ornamental Horticulture and Environmental Design)

    This course involves the research, construction and presentation of a seminar in the student’s field of interest.

    1 hour Lecture and Discussion
    1 credit
  • LAES 4010 - Urban Soils

    The role of soils in the environmental planning process is examined. Interactions of soils and wastes, health and regulatory aspects, land waste utilization and disposal methods are reviewed. Environmental impact assessment methods are examined.

    Prerequisite(s): CH 1103 - General Chemistry I  and CH 1203 - General Chemistry II , LAES 2004 - Soils  or permission of Instructor.

    2 hours Lecture and 3 hours Laboratory
    3 credits
  • LAES 4015 - Regional Land Use Planning

    The course is designed to introduce students to the concepts of planning for regional systems. Planning as a rationalized decision-making process is examined. Regional systems are discussed in a wide context, including social, economic, and environmental aspects.

    3 hours Lecture and Discussion
    3 credits
  • LAES 4025 - Climatology

    This course investigates some of the physical causes of weather phenomena, thus, students gain an ability to make weather predictions. Students use their knowledge of weather to understand why different types of climates occur in different regions of the world. With an understanding about a region’s climate, students investigate how climate affects human activities, such as agriculture, building design, management of water and energy, and health policy.

    Prerequisite(s): CH 1203 - General Chemistry II .

    3 hours Lecture
    3 credits
  • LAES 4041 - Senior Research

    Selected seniors engage in supervised investigations involving library work and laboratory or field experiments related to ornamental horticulture.

    Recommended/Requirement Permission of department chairperson

    1-3 credits
  • LAES 4043 - Applied Toxicology and Risk Assessment

    Knowledge of toxicology and application of principles in the assessment of environmental risks is central to environmental regulation and protection. This course covers the fundamentals of toxicology and the risk assessment process as they relate to regulation of commonly used and encountered chemicals.

    3 hours Lecture and Discussion
    3 credits
  • LAES 4126 - Hydraulic Soils and Wetland Delineation

    This is a rigorous, multi-disciplinary course that
    builds on students’ other course work in the
    Environmental Science program. Wetlands are an
    important aspect of the terrestrial environment
    I’or many reasons, and students in Environmental
    Science should have a basic understanding of’
    their functioning and need for protection. Wetland
    delineation is a practical, in-demand skill. There
    are many environmental consultingjobs that require
    this skill, and there are not many people
    specifically trained for it. Students who take
    this course and complete other coursework
    requirements will be prepared to apply for Wetland
    Professional in Training certification from the
    Society of Wetland Scientists after graduation.
    Because it is predominantly a soils course, Hydric
    Soils & Wetland Delineation can also be applied
    towards a student’s application to become a
    Certified Professional Soil Scientist f’rom the
    Soil Science Society of America after graduation.

    Prereq/Corequisite LAES-4126L

    3 Hours
    3 Credits
  • LAES 4131 - Auto CAD

    This course teaches how to use AutoCAD, a computer aided design tool, in the production of landscape and drafting designs. The student will learn the basics of creating a design using the computer and many of the advanced features a CAD program makes available.

    3 hours Lecture and Practicum
    3 credits
  • LAES 4145 - Advanced Floral Design

    Emphasis is placed on creative floral design techniques for weddings, parties, funerals, holidays, and current design trends. Discussions follow the history of some design styles, market trends, current plant availabilities, shop management and operations.

    Prerequisite(s): LAES 3232 - Introductory Floral Design .

    Offered Offered in the fall semester of odd numbered years.

    4 hours Studio
    2 credits
  • LAES 4211 - Seminar

    In this course all students majoring in Environmental Science meet to hear oral presentations developed and delivered by senior students in those majors. Students must take this one-credit course two times; once as an audience member and once as a presenter. The student receives credit  for each instance totaling two credits.  1 hour Lecture and Discussion - 1 credit

    1 Hour Lecture
    1 Credit
  • LAES 4230 - Landscape Contracting and Bidding

    The course focuses on the comprehension of the costs involved in the operation of a landscape contracting business, strategies for the recovery of those costs, and methodology for obtaining reasonable profits.

    3 hours Lecture and Discussion
    3 credits
  • LAES 4237 - Design Studio VI: Senior Projects

    This capstone studio allows students to focus on a topic of interest while managing a project of choice through a comprehensive regenerative design process. Students will be required to select a project type with real stakeholders and a real site followed by a comprehensive site investigation and analysis, master planning, design development and construction documentation.

    Prerequisite(s): LAES 4125 - Design Studio V: Natural Systems  

    6 hours Studio
    3 credits

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