Feb 14, 2025  
2012-2013 Catalog 
2012-2013 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Support Services

Karen Kay, Director

Act 101

Karen Kay, Director
James Yard, Learning Center Coordinator
Sue McGovern, Counseling Coordinator
Tiffany Thomas, Counselor

Act 101 is a state-funded program sponsored by the Higher Education Equal Opportunity Program of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Participants must be Pennsylvania residents and must meet certain eligibility requirements.

Program services include counseling and tutoring throughout the students’ four years to assist with academic and personal issues. Act 101 offers a textbook lending library, career counseling, cultural enrichment activities, and a summer orientation program for incoming freshmen, all specifically designed to enhance the college experience. Act 101 seeks to promote a positive sense of self, as students develop personally, educationally, and professionally.


Barbara Murphy Grimes, Coordinator

The College admits a limited number of students whose motivation to complete the College’s programs is high, but whose previous scholastic performance indicates a need for strengthening in an area of the College’s entrance requirements. These selected students are admitted through the Choices Program. A mandatory requirement of the program is to successfully complete ED 0016 - Learning Strategies , during the first semester. Choices Seminar is required for those students who need additional academic support.

Where scholastic deficiencies in quantitative or communicative skills exist, students may be required to enroll in: ED 0015 - College Reading , EN 0012 - English Essentials  and/or MP 0010 - Fundamentals of Algebra . Students must pass these courses before going on in English or Mathematics.

To further aid the student’s progress at Delaware Valley College, the Coordinator of the Choices Program closely monitors each student. At the end of the first semester, the student’s record is evaluated. The Choices Coordinator and the student develop a schedule designed to facilitate academic success. In order to qualify for graduation, a student admitted under these provisions may require more than eight semesters of study.

Counseling Services

Sharon Donnelly, Counseling Coordinator
Tiffany Thomas, Counselor

The mission of Delaware Valley College Counseling Services is to provide a professional and confidential setting for the psychological, emotional, and developmental support of students as they pursue academic goals and explore personal growth. The Counseling staff also act as a resource for faculty and staff to assist with their interactions with students. When this mission is fulfilled, the quality of students’ experience at Delaware Valley College is enhanced, and students are more likely to achieve academic and personal success.

Professional counselors assist students in identifying and handling their stressors in healthy ways. Counselors work with students on such issues as: adjusting to college, anxiety and stress reduction, time management, academic concerns, decision-making skills, disordered eating, sexual assault/date rape, depression, relationship issues, health concerns, drug and alcohol issues, conflict management, and any concerns that a student might have. When necessary, the Counseling Center also interacts with resources in the community to provide outside referrals to students. The Counseling Center is located on the top floor of Segal Hall.

Learning Center

James Yard, Coordinator

The Learning Center, located on the second floor of Segal Hall, is an important campus resource that provides individual and group tutoring by appointment in a variety of subjects. While tutoring is available in many upper division courses, the Learning Center’s primary focus is on freshman and sophomore level core courses. To schedule tutoring, students should complete a Tutoring Request Form and submit it to the Learning Center. The Tutoring Request Form is available in the Learning Center or online on the college website.

Learning Support Services

Sharon Malka, Learning Support Specialist

Learning Support Services is a resource for students with disabilities located within Student Support Services at Delaware Valley College. Its goal is to assure reasonable accommodations and equal access to the college’s educational programs and activities for students with disabilities. The office offers a variety of academic support services directed at student achievement and adjustment in college. In addition, Learning Support Services serves as a liaison within the college community, an information center, and a referral source on disability related issues.

Students requesting academic adjustments or accommodations should contact Learning Support Services as early as possible following acceptance to the College. At that time, they are asked to provide documentation of their specific disability. Throughout their time at the College, students interact with the Learning Support Specialist to implement arrangements that meet their specific learning needs.

Learning Support Services strives to provide superior levels of assistance to students with disabilities. When a student requests and provides information in a timely manner, personalized accommodations can be implemented effectively.