2013-2014 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Return to: Undergraduate Degree Programs
Karen G. McPherson, Chairperson
Jason Cross
Kenneth B. Dedeian
Melissa L. Langston
Yun Li
Ronald T. Petruso
Benjamin E. Rusiloski, III
Edward J. Sambriski
William P. Stephens
Sheela Venkitachalam
Chemistry has been dubbed “the central science,” a title that highlights its connection to several fields, including biology, physics, engineering, environmental studies, geology, and medicine, to name a few. As the study of material things (living and inanimate) and the changes these undergo, chemistry enters every aspect of our existence: consider foods and their breakdown to provide nourishment, hygiene products and medications as health-sustaining agents, batteries powering up devices and vehicles, or sunlight as a source of vitamin D and a steady supply of energy for crops. Another important aspect of chemistry is the research and development of improved materials and systems, many of which find immediate application in biomedical technologies, engineering operations, high-performance electronics, and environmentally green efforts.
The need for chemists in many related and vastly different areas makes for a broad field of study. The Chemistry program at DVC addresses that diversity. The Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry is approved and certified by the American Chemical Society, a distinction which ensures a high-quality program of study empowering its graduates to be successful in a competitive job market. Both rigor and requirements of a certified degree confer a credential of nationwide recognition valued by potential employers and graduate schools.
A high-quality program in chemistry not only establishes a strong scientific foundation that meets the demands of a career at the baccalaureate level, but also provides the background to pursue advanced studies at the graduate level. The curriculum at DVC fulfills this need by encompassing the traditional areas of chemistry (analytical, biochemical, general, inorganic, organic, and physical), as well as advanced coursework in mathematics and physics. An important hallmark of the Chemistry program is the practical approach that faculty exercise while training students. Modern instrumentation provides the opportunity for hand-on experience in qualitative and quantitative methods. The development of communication, research, leadership, and teamwork skills is an integral part of the program. A chapter of the Student Affiliates of the American Chemical Society operates on campus and serves as an interest-based, student-led organization supporting events and career development.
With a good education in chemistry, students may look forward to careers that are rewarding in both personal realization and financial compensation. Attractive employment opportunities can be found in a host of enterprises, including agriculture, biotechnology, consumer products, electronics, food and flavor science, forensics, medicine, metallurgy, nutrition, oil and petroleum, pharmaceuticals, polymers, and textiles, among others. The chemistry of today can be found in the laboratory just as much as outside of one. A sampling of endeavors beyond the laboratory include those in consulting, education, environmental field work, law and policymaking, national security and defense, quality control and assurance, sales and marketing, scientific publishing, and so forth. Given such a wide gamut of employment opportunities, a person trained in chemistry is likely to find a position that suits his/her tastes and interests, while becoming part of a large and important family of professionals.
The total number of credits required for graduation with a degree in Chemistry is 128, which includes 4 credits for completion of the Experiential Learning Program.
The Experiential Learning Program (ExLP) at Delaware Valley College is a graduation requirement for all full-time undergraduate students. Students can choose from multiple experiential learning activities and will earn 4 credits for the ExLP depending on their major’s program requirements.
Minimum requirements:
- Full-time undergraduate students must complete a minimum of two experiential learning activities with at least one for academic credit.
- Students must have completed 27 credits to enroll in Experiential Learning Activities.
- All students must complete an introductory course prior to enrolling in any Experiential Learning Activities.
Students must consult with their Department Chair for specific major requirements to complete the Experiential Learning Program. Programs
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