Sep 27, 2024  
2018-2019 Catalog 
2018-2019 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Liberal Arts

  • LA 2228 - Introduction to Ethnomusicology

    This course will introduce students to the discipline of ethnomusicology.  The course will focus on issues related to how and why people make music and what these musical traditions can teach us about a society.  Students will be introduced to tools used in ethnographic research and will conduct fieldwork assignments where they are given the opportunity to apply these principles - 3 Hours Lecture.

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • LA 2375 - Personality Theories

    A review of the major theories of personality development and personality functioning. In addition to covering the details of each theory,  the implications and applications of each theory   are considered. 3 hours Lecture and Discussion - 3 credits

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • LA 2450 - Life Span Development

    This course  focuses  on physical, cognitive, social, personality and moral development over the lifespan. Students  will be introduced to human  development concepts, issues  and  theory  with  emphasis on inter-  

    Prerequisite(s): Take LA-2036

    3 Credits
  • LA 2575 - Intro to Counseling Theories

    This  course   serves   as  a  general  introduction to  the primary  theoretical perspectives that guide the works of counseling psychologists. It introduces students  to the process of counseling and psychotherapy. 3 hours Lecture  and  Discussion - 3 credits

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • LA 2620 - Multicultural Issues in Psychology

    This course will impart a basic understanding of psychological  concepts  about   identity   and   culture and  how   they   affect  interactions  with  others.   The course focuses on a multicultural perspective for understanding and working with diverse populations, and  will  examine theoretical and  research literature concerning gender, race/ethnicity, relation, etc. in the provision of psychological services. 3 hours  Lecture and  Discussion - 3 credits

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • LA 3008 - Student Government

    Students receive 1/2 credit on a pass/fail basis for active participation in the activities of student government. They include, but are not limited to, maintaining an office for a class year or on Student Government itself, serving on committees like SAC, being an officer in a club and representing that club in Student Government. A short paper is required each semester for students in the Student Government Board who desire credit. To receive credit, students must sign up for it at the Registrar’s Office.

    1/2 credit
    Graded Pass/Fail
  • LA 3022 - Acting I

    This course provides students with a safe and respectful atmosphere in which to explore the actor’s craft. The student not only learns how to act but how to use acting in common situations.

    3 hours Lecture and Laboratory
    3 credits
  • LA 3024 - Acting II

    This course prepares the student for specific roles. The actors will be matched to parts for which they seem most suitable and will learn how to break down a role emotionally and physically. By the end of the course they will prepared to begin rehearsals for a production.

    Prerequisite(s): LA 3022 - Acting I  or equivalent experience.

    3 hours Lecture and Laboratory
    3 credits
  • LA 3025 - Acting III

    This course leads the actor through the production process. There is a step by step plan in which the actor is moved from rehearsal through performance in some of America’s great plays. The plays will be chosen to suit the student’s abilities.

    Prerequisite(s): LA 3024 - Acting II .

    3 hours Lecture and Laboratory
    3 credits
  • LA 3031 - American History and Government to 1877

    A survey of political, social, and cultural developments from colonial times through the period of Reconstruction.

    3 hours Lecture
    3 credits
  • LA 3034 - Adolescent Psychology

    This course studies the development and behavior of adolescents with a focus on understanding the adolescent in terms of family, peers, school, culture and the community at large. Identity development, delinquency and sexuality will all be examined with an emphasis on how to provide services to the adolescent in need. Prerequisite: LA-2036 Introduction to Psychology or Permission of Instructor.  3 hours Lecture and Discussion

    Prerequisite(s): Take LA-2036

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • LA 3039 - Policy Studies Methods

    This course provides an overview of the study of public policy by exploring different approaches to policy analysis. Students will gain an understanding of how policy research is conducted as well as how policy recommendations are formulated.  Emphasis is on qualitative analytical methods.  Students will conduct their own primary source-based research and present their findings to the class. -3 Hours Lecture.

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • LA 3040 - Introduction to Public History

    This class will introduce students to the field of public history, and many of its core components, including examining how public historians: administer and/or construct educational exhibits for historic houses, museums, or sites; write up proposals to nominate sites to receive either state markers or national registry of historic places designations (or are involved in the process of creating other monuments or memorials dedicated to historic figures, significant locales or buildings, and important events); create walking tours of historic sites (that may or may not include adding historic signage) and/or creating digital links for the public’s ability to access history; become involved in the process of policy decisions that affect a community, such as issues surrounding historic preservation or rural and urban development.   -3 Hours Lecture.

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • LA 3040 - Introduction to Public History

    This class will introduce students to the field of public history, and many of its core components, including examining how public historians: administer and/or construct educational exhibits for historic houses, museums, or sites; write up proposals to nominate sites to receive either state markers or national registry of historic places designations (or are involved in the process of creating other monuments or memorials dedicated to historic figures, significant locales or buildings, and important events); create walking tours of historic sites (that may or may not include adding historic signage) and/or creating digital links for the public’s ability to access history; become involved in the process of policy decisions that affect a community, such as issues surrounding historic preservation or rural and urban development.   -3 Hours Lecture.

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • LA 3055 - Substance Use and Abuse

    An introduction to the  elementary dynamics of sub- stance  use,  abuse, dependency and treatment. The course  is designed to facilitate  the acquisition and retention of information needed  by  the  prospective professional in the field of alcohol and drug abuse treatment. Prerequisite: Introduction to Psychology. Suggested Prerequisite: Biological Science I. 3 hours Lecture  and  Discussion - 3 credits

    Prerequisite(s): Take LA-2036 and BY-1116

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • LA 3101 - Cultural Anthropology

    This course examines the origins of human culture, with emphasis upon cultural and social organization, the impact and influence of cultural change upon such organization, and the traditions, rituals and relationships that define human civilization.

    3 hours Lecture
    3 credits
  • LA 3110 - Introduction to Public Policy

    This course provides an overview of the subject of policy study and policy analysis.  

    3 Credits
  • LA 3131 - Social Science Research Method

    3 Hours, 3 Credits

    3 Hours
    3 Credits
  • LA 3132 - Comparative Politics

    This course offers a comparative analysis of European, African, Asian, Middle Eastern, and Latin American political systems.

    3 hours Lecture
    3 credits
  • LA 3139 - Introduction to Research

    This course is designed to introduce students to the requirements, philosophy, and methods of scientific research. Topics will include: experimental design, scientific methods, grants and funding, communications, searching methodology, ethics, selecting a graduate program, dissection and analysis of research papers, research style, and the administration of research projects.

    3 hrs per week
    3 credits
  • LA 3151 - Studio Art I

    Studio Art I is an elementary course in which the student is given the opportunity to find her/himself and the medium through which she/he wants to work. Studio Art II requires the student to express the self through the medium suggested by the instructor. Each course is a prerequisite for the following one.

    2 hours Lecture and Practicum
    2 credits
  • LA 3240 - Political and Cultural Geography

    The significance of contemporary world patterns of nations is considered through the interaction of their physical, economic, political, and cultural aspects, with an emphasis upon the interplay between population, migration patterns, language, religion, and political developments.

    3 hours Lecture
    3 credits
  • LA 3241 - Invention and Technology in America

    Examines the influence of agricultural, mechanical, technological, and scientific change upon the United States from colonial times to the present. Students will be required to participate in fieldwork at Delaware Valley College’s Roth Farm and Living Museum.

    3 hours Lecture
    3 credits
  • LA 3251 - Studio Art II

    Studio Art I is an elementary course in which the student is given the opportunity to find her/himself and the medium through which she/he wants to work. Studio Art II requires the student to express the self through the medium suggested by the instructor. Each course is a prerequisite for the following one.

    2 hours Lecture and Practicum
    2 credits
  • LA 3380 - Intro to Counseling Techniques

    This course  includes information relating to stages  in the  counseling process, interviewing skills,  counsel- ing  objectives,  and  appropriate  strategies.  Students actively learn various  counseling techniques using  the mediums of role playing, peer  critiques, videotaping, and discussions. Ethical considerations are empha- sized.  Prerequisites:  Introduction to Psychology and Introduction to Counseling Theories. 3 hours  Lecture and  Discussion - 3 credits  

    Prerequisite(s): Take LA-2036 and LA-2575

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • LA 3390 - Measurement and Assessment in Psychology

    This course involves discussion of the theory  and application of psychological tests of intellectual functioning, achievement,   aptitude, interests, attitudes and personality. Multiple testing contexts are discussed, including educational and psychological research, counseling and guidance, and private  industry. Prerequisite: Introduction to Psychology. 3 hours Lecture and  Discussion - 3 credits

    Prerequisite(s): Take LA-2036

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • LA 3465 - Methods of Psychological Research

    This course  examines research methods used  to study human  behavior. Research design, including experi- mental, correction and  survey  methods are  examined. Course topics include: the design of psychological experiments, data collection, data analysis and inter- pretation and preparing a research report. Students  use SPSS statistic software  to conduct  literature reviews, analyze data,  and  write  research reports  in the  labo- ratory.  Prerequisites: Introduction to Psychology and Statistics   for  Science,  or   Permission  of  Instructor. 3 hours  Lecture  and 3 hours  Lab - 4 credits

    Prerequisite(s): Take LA-2036 and MP-3231

    3 Hours Lecture, 3 Hours Lab
    4 Credits
  • LA 3680 - History & Systems of Psychology

    A study  of the history  of psychology, including early and  modern   schools   of  thought,   important   trends, famous  psychologists, as well  as recent  developments in the field.  Prerequisite: Introduction to Psychology. 3 hours  Lecture  and  Discussion - 3 credits.

    Prerequisite(s): Take LA-2036

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • LA 3750 - Child Development

    This course involves theory and research on psychological development from conception to adolescence. Physical, cognitive, social and emotional changes will be  studied. Prerequisite: Introduction to Psychology or Permission of instructor.  3 hours Lecture and Discussion - 3 credits

    Prerequisite(s): Take LA-2036

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • LA 4014 - Abnormal Psychology

    This study of abnormal psychology in American society, including its occurrence, condition, and treatment, emphasizes the maintenance of good mental health. Topics include mood disorders, substance abuse, brain disorders and dream analysis. Prerequisite: LA-2036 Introduction to Psychology.  3 hours Lecture and Discussion

    Prerequisite(s): Take LA-2036

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • LA 4038 - Cultural Enrichment

    Students are required to attend or participate in 14 cultural events, including concerts and recitals, lectures presented by distinguished authors, visits to museums, art galleries and shows, and theater presentations from among which the student must select a variety. Required for students who entered the College prior to the fall of 2008.

    1 credit
  • LA 4040 - Developmental Disabilities

    This course  provides an overview of developmental disabilities, delays, and  disorders from a life-span per- spective. Topics  include individual progress, services, and  policies with  attention  to both family  support  and school-based  principles  of  inclusion  for  youth.   The course  includes observation of youth with developmental disabilities. Prerequisite: Introduction to Psychology. 3 hours  Lecture and Discussion - 3 credits   

    Prerequisite(s): Take LA-2036

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • LA 4042 - Introduction to Museums: History andyPractice

    Through readings, written assignments, discussions involving museum professionals (directors, curators, designers, conservators, and educators from museums in the greater Bucks, Montgomery and Philadelphia area), and trips to such places, students will gain an understanding of the museum as critically important institutions that both preserve and interpret the past. Finally, the class that will also provide students with insight into how to evaluate programming, exhibits and collections, as well as to construct a sample exhibit of their own.   - 3 Hours Lecture.

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • LA 4043 - Memories, Histories, and Identities

    This course serves as a requirement for students in the Public History specialization.  Through discourse analysis of memoirs, films, museums and public monuments and memorials, this course aims to better understand the complex relationship among the formations of identities, remembering/forgetting and historical writing. - 3 Hours Lecture.

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • LA 4045 - Seminar (Counseling Psychology)

    Under faculty direction, students explore topics in psychology. This tutorial approach culminates in the preparation of a paper of considerable length with an oral defense/presentation.

    3 hours Lecture
    3 credits
  • LA 4110 - Critical Issues in World History

    Examines global problems in historical perspective across time - war, terrorism, and the threat of war; cultural, racial, ideological, religious, gender, and economic struggles; and the search for peace and order.

    3 hours Lecture
    3 credits
  • LA 4111 - International Political Economy

    This course analyzes the development, processes, and institutions of the global political economy, with an emphasis upon the politics and diplomacy of international trade and finance.

    3 hours Lecture
    3 credits
  • LA 4112 - Senior Seminar for Secondary Education

    Under faculty direction, students explore topics in any of the following fields: American History, European History, World History, or the History of Science/Agriculture/Technology. This tutorial approach culminates in the preparation of a paper of considerable length with an oral defense/presentation.

    3 hours Lecture
    3 credits
  • LA 4115 - Critical Issues in European History

    The course will examine the conceptions of modernity in historical perspectives across time and space, and the fundamental themes and current theories dominating the organizations and interpretations of the European history in modern age. - 3 Hours Lecture.

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • LA 4116 - Critical Issues in American History

    Critical Issues in American History allows students to explore important topics and themes in American History in greater detail.  The course may be repeated for credit when the content varies.  This specific course examines the Civil War, paying attention to the causes of the conflict, the conduct of the war itself, and the impact of the war upon American society. - 3 Hours Lecture.

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • LA 4127 - United States Foreign Policy

    The history of American foreign relations concerns, power, profit, security, politics, and ideology. This offering of U.S. diplomatic history, covering selected topics from 1775 to the present, will explore competing interpretations of America’s hot and cold wars, periods of peace, isolation, and intervention.

    3 hours Lecture and Discussion
    3 credits
  • LA 4203 - Social Psychology and Human Interaction

    The scientific studies of how people interact, communicate, influence, interpret and relate to one another. The courses focuses on the way an individual relates to groups as well as on how various groups affect the individual. Topics include prejudice, groupthink, attitude inoculation, polarization, eyewitness testimony, altruism, aggression, bargaining, mediation, arbitration, and conciliation.  3 hours Lecture and Discussion

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • LA 4224 - Cultural Minorities

    The social institutions of selected racial, ethnic and religious minorities, as well as the institutional, demographic and social/psychological aspects of inter-group relations, are reviewed.

    Prerequisite(s): LA 2012 - Introduction to Sociology .

    3 hours Lecture and Discussion
    3 credits
  • LA 4228 - The American Family

    This course traces a history and background of American family patterns that includes the structure, functions, and values of the contemporary family. It also deals with the factors that may result in the disorganization of the family.

    3 hours Lecture and Discussion
    3 credits
  • LA 4243 - Ethics

    An introduction to classical and modern logic; major concerns and approaches to ethics are considered, with emphasis on modern ethical problems.

    3 hours Lecture and Discussion
    3 credits
  • LA 4372 - Couples and Family Counseling

    Couples and Family Counseling This course  is designed to introduce systems  theories that  are  utilized  in  couples  and  family   counseling. Topics include family  development, and the issues, concepts  and   interventions  associated   with   major family    therapy   models.   Prerequisite:  Introduction to  Psychology.  3  hours   Lecture   and   Discussion  - 3 credits      

    Prerequisite(s): Take LA-2036

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • LA 4583 - Intro to Behavior Modification

    An introduction to the  concepts, theories and  appli- cations    of   learning   theory    and   behaviorism   as they   are   applied  to  a  variety   of  treatment   condi- tions  and  applications in  a  variety   of  settings, with special emphasis on school  settings. Prerequisite: Introduction to Psychology. 3 hours  Lecture and Discussion - 3 credits

    Prerequisite(s): Take LA-2036

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • LA 4892 - Childhood Psychopathology

    This  course   explores  the  biological,  psychological and   social/cultural  factors   in  the   etiology,  course and treatment  of childhood disorders. Prerequisite: Introduction to Psychology. Suggested Prerequisite: Abnormal Psychology. 3 hours Lecture and Discussion - 3 credits

    Prerequisite(s): Take LA-2036

    3 Hours Lecture
    3 Credits
  • SR 4041 - Student Research

    This course is designed for students of all majors who are of sophomore status and above with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.7 and who have a serious desire and potential to undertake a research project. After obtaining the approval of a faculty mentor, students intending to register for Student Research will need to submit a 1-2 page proposal to the Student Research Committee for approval. Proposals should include an abstract, project timeline, budget, and any funding requests. For registration in the fall semester, a proposal should be submitted no later than April 20 and for registration in the spring semester, a proposal should be submitted no later than Nov. 20. Once approved, registration is through the student’s departmental chair. Students, mentors and committee members will meet throughout the semester, with student presentations at the end of the semester.

    Contact hours dependent on number of credits registered for this course
    1-3 credits

Master of Business Administration

  • GB 5010 - Essentials of Economics

    This course will cover the basic concepts of macroeconomics, microeconomics, and money and banking.  Topics included are supply and demand, national income accounting, international trade policy, critical economic indicators, price elasticity, market structures, monetary and fiscal policy, theories of interest rate determination, globalization of monetary policy, foreign exchange markets, and budget deficits and public debt.

    1.5 Credits
  • GB 5020 - Accounting for Decision Makers

    This course presents accounting as an information development and communication function that supports decision-making by managers, owners, creditors, and others.  Topics included are: the conceptual framework of financial accounting, statements of financial position, income and cash flows, asset and liability measurement, concepts of income, the accounting process, taxation, cost classifications, determining the cost of products and services, cost-volume-profit analysis, and budgeting.

    Prerequisite(s): Take GB-5095

    1.5 Credits
  • GB 5030 - Managerial Finance

    This course will examine basic financial management issues faced by business decision makers and will build the essential analytical skills necessary for dealing with such problems. Topical coverage will include present value, cost of capital, capital budgeting, capital asset management, fundamentals of portfolio management, and capital asset pricing.

    Prerequisite(s): Take GB-5095

    1.5 Credits
  • GB 5040 - Quantitative Skills

    The quantitative skills course examinies essential topics of differential calculus and basic statistics that are applied to quantitative coursework in an MBA program.  Among the topics covered are differential topics such as the ability to differentiate functions using the power, product, quotient, and chain rules.  The differential calculus is applied to determine optimal solutions to case problems.  Topics in statistics include a variety of descriptive and inferential  statistics and probabiity applications encountered in business decision-making.  The inferential statistics topics include: estimation, hypothesis testing using z and t tests, chi-square goodness-of-fit, ANOVA, regression, and applications using control charts.  Students who benefit most from this course are those who have been away from quantitative courses for a period of time and whose calculus and statistics skills need to be refreshed.  Students with very weak backgrounds are likely to be better served by enrolling in selected undergradu…

    1.5 Credits
  • GB 5050 - Marketing Foundation

    3 Hours, 1.5 Credits

    3 Hours
    1.5 Credits
  • GB 5060 - Management Foundation

    3 Hours, 1.5 Credits

    3 Hours
    3 Credits
  • GB 5070 - Business Law Foundation

    3 Hours, 1.5 Credits

    3 Hours
    3 Credits
  • GB 5080 - Business Ethics Foundation

    3 Hours, 1.5 Credits

    3 Hours
    3 Credits
  • GB 5090 - International Business Foundation

    3 Hours, 1.5 Credits

    3 Hours
    3 Credits
  • GB 5095 - Information Systems Foundation

    3 Hours, 1.5 Credits

    3 Hours
    3 Credits
  • GB 6010 - Managerial Accounting for Decision Makers

    A study of interpretation and the use of accounting data for management planning, decision making and control. Topics include product costing, cost allocation, budgeting, variance analysis and performance evaluation methods.

    3 credits
  • GB 6020 - Advanced Computer Applications

    Applications of computer technology to business problems. Advanced applications with statistical software packages, spreadsheets, database management. Topics include programming languages, algorithm development and societal impact. The course will fully integrate the use of statistical software with statistical analysis.

    3 credits
  • GB 6030 - Financial Management

    Examine the fundamental principles of corporate financial management and capital markets. Topics include asset pricing methods, risk management, equity financing, debt financing, dividend policy and the relationship of finance with other functions within the firm, including practical and theoretical methods of financial analysis as part of a system of management decision.

    3 credits
  • GB 6040 - Marketing Management

    A study on business-to-business buyer behavior, marketing segmentation and selection, product planning, pricing, distribution, promotion, buyer-seller interaction, negotiations, competitive bidding, and ethical issues.

    3 credits
  • GB 6050 - Managerial Economics

    Examine the influence of government and other factors on the business environment. Study models of aggregate supply and demand theories of consumption and investment, money supply and demand, inflation, rational expectations, stabilization policy, financial markets and international finance.

    3 credits
  • GB 6060 - Human Resources Management

    This course identifies the role of the human resource manager. The course examines, from a strategic approach, how the human resource functions interact with the EEO laws, job analysis, competency models, recruiting, selection, training, performance appraisal and management, job design, compensation, benefits, and labor relations. The intent of this course is to enable the student to apply human resources management techniques to the business industry.

    3 credits
  • GB 6065 - Organizational Dynamics

    This course is designed to provide students with competency in organization dynamics and covers recent developments in the field of organizational development.  It includes a history of the field, a review of core components and interventions of OD, and newer areas such as transformational leadership, transformational change and development, appreciative inquiry, multi-level strategic change, and global impact. It is a study of the issues, theories, and methodologies associated with organizational development and the management of change, with a major emphasis on organizational culture and organizational change processes.  Topics also include diagnostic process, intervention strategies, and overcoming resistance to change.  Techniques such as goal-setting, team-development procedures, productivity and strategy interventions, and interpersonal change models necessary to explore in graduate level studies in business are examined.

    3 Credits
  • GB 6070 - Operations Management

    A study of the theory and practices of the operations function and its application to productivity in the business areas. Focus is on the quantitative techniques for problem solving and decision making in a variety of strategic and tactical areas of operations management, including total quality management; process design and control, capacity planning, location strategy, materials requirement planning, inventory control, and project management.

    3 credits
  • GB 6108 - Compensation and Benefits

    Application of compensation principles to organizations’ strategies. Focus on managing employee compensation in contemporary organizations. The major objectives are to examine the current state of compensation decision making, to examine how recent theories and research inform compensation decisions and to offer an opportunity to develop competencies in making compensation decisions.

    3 credits
  • GB 6111 - Current Issues in Food and Agribusiness

    Analysis of current critical practice and research issues in food and agribusiness, agri-food systems, food systems, global, competitiveness, sustainable agriculture, agribusiness ethics, new food and agribusiness ventures, cooperatives, farm management firms, agribusiness multinationals, innovation change, etc. The course will use case study analysis and problem solving to analyze the efforts of critical practices on the food and agribusiness industry.

    3 credits
  • GB 6112 - Food and Agribusiness Marketing

    An analysis of agricultural marketing systems focusing on their structure, pricing and coordination mechanisms, and performance. Case studies will be used involving decision making, using marketing tools from previous courses.

    3 credits
  • GB 6113 - Management of Food and Agribusiness Delivery Systems

    This course will deal with the economically efficient distribution of goods and services from their points of creation to the customers. Topics will include strategic decisions such as aggregate distribution plans and warehouse location, as well as operational decisions including the delivery routes and dispatching.

    3 credits
  • GB 6114 - Food and Agribusiness Price Analysis

    A study of the applications of price and demand theories to agricultural market analysis. Topics include agricultural product supply and input demand, uncertainty and risk, expectations, and supply dynamics.

    3 credits
  • GB 6115 - Topics of International Food and Agribusiness

    An analysis of government policies and programs which develop agriculture, conserve agricultural resources, address consumer food concerns, stabilize prices and increase income levels. The influence of macro-policy, world economy and international trade on U. S. agriculture is also discussed.

    3 credits
  • GB 6122 - Entrepreneurship

    This course examines the nature of entrepreneurship. This course will focus on all the aspects of starting a new business. Topics include attributes of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial careers, evaluating opportunities, writing business plans and financing the new venture.

    3 credits
  • GB 6161 - Global Human Resources and Diversity

    This course is intended to familiarize the students with the latest global trends and human resource management and multinational corporations with differing cultures, HR systems and policies. Management across borders requires global managerial staffing and cross-cultural decision making.

    3 credits
  • GB 6183 - Sales/Sales Management

    Sales/Sales Management

    3 Hours Lecture
  • GB 6210 - Contemporary Business Issues

    This course is designed to provide a forum for decision, reflection, and examination of contemporary business issues. Global business, legal systems, and social issues, quality, and the internet are a few examples of the topical areas that are covered in this course.

    3 credits
  • GB 6211 - Business Ethics

    This course explores the ethical gray areas of contemporary business practices and develops skills in moral judgment dialogical framework for ethical decision-making. Emphasis will be placed on the student’s self-assessment of core values, experiences and assumptions.

    3 credits
  • GB 6212 - Leadership

    Leadership is influencing people by providing purpose, direction and motivation, while operating to accomplish the mission and improving the organization. The goal of this course is to help students develop their own leadership skills. This course examines the role of leaders, leadership, and management, power and influence, leadership styles, cultural dimensions of leadership, and leadership and strategic effectiveness.

    3 credits
  • GB 6213 - International Business and Economics

    International Business and Economics reflects the changes in trade law, including the international aspects of intellectual property, and other new cases reflecting the ongoing evolution of the world economy. This course includes new U.S. case law, and discusses new international regimes such as the anti-bribery convention and the Financial Action Task Force. Additionally, coverage of the emerging jurisprudence of NAFTA and the WTO is included.

    3 credits
  • GB 6214 - Graduate Study Tour

    The course offers an in-depth, inter-country examination of major business centers and industries throughout the world including the United States. The study tour includes numerous corporate and institutional visits allowing for firsthand exploration of business issues. Cultural, political, legal, regulatory, and social issues are also examined. The study tour travel component is one week.

    3 credits
  • GB 6215 - Corporate Governance

    Corporate Governance as a subject matter recognizes that good governance practices are essential in raising capital in the competitive global environment. This course focuses on understanding how differences in capital markets, ownership structures, and legal traditions affect the optimal design of financial contracts. Moreover, this course will examine potential conflicts between shareholders and other corporate constituents. This course will explore and evaluate the legal, economic, and financial framework of corporate governance. The design of this course will provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the current role and responsibilities of corporate directors, officers, and managers in the wake of recent legislation designed to provide the public with a more “transparent” view of how corporations conduct business. Additionally, this course will investigate the changing nature of the relationships between the various constituencies that compose the corporate environment. Finally, this course will expose students to international corporate governance and discuss the reasons for the recent failures of corporate governance.

    3 credits
  • GB 6216 - Global Executive Leadership

    This course uses strategy as its unifying theme to explore the global economy and the impact of managerial decisions. By examining comparative management issues thoroughly, this course discusses the strengths and weaknesses of competitors and how to adapt organizational practices. Also covered are: the key topics of formation and implementation of strategies in the global environment, the building of strategic alliances, negotiation and cross-cultural communication, international human resource management, and business ethics.

    3 credits
  • GB 6217 - Transportation and Distribution

    This course will offer a broad overview of transportation and distribution systems including the activities of transportation and supply chain systems, such as transportation network design, scheduling, routing, contracting, and pricing.

    3 credits
  • GB 6219 - Entrepreneurial Finance

    This course will inform the students of the relevant matters in the creation and financing of an entrepreneurial venture. The course will focus on all financial aspects facing the entrepreneur in today’s economic environment. Topics include attributes and sources of capital to finance entrepreneurial ventures ranging from “friends, family and fools,” angel investors, venture capital, debt financing and grant funding.

    3 credits
  • GB 6220 - Business Analytics and Communications

    Business Analytics and Communications.

    3 Credits
  • GB 6225 - Supply Chain Management

    This course is an introduction to the supply chain concept and will explore the management of supply chains to improve an organization’s overall supply efficiency. Topics covered include core logistics functions, cost integration, and relationships with suppliers, customers, and other firm functions such as manufacturing and finance.

    3 credits
  • GB 6227 - Global Supply Chain Management

    As companies are beginning to recognize that managing their businesses through functional silos is inappropriate in a challenging and complex global marketplace, there is an urgent need for a decision-making framework. This course attempts to provide such a framework by integrating operations and supply chain concepts to address the critical issue of managing flow of products, services, and information. This course will provide an overview of the concepts and decision processes in effectively managing the flow of goods, services and information in a global environment.

    3 credits
  • GB 6230 - Family as Entrepreneurs

    The objective of the course is to familiarize students with some of the unique issues faced by owners of entrepreneurial and family businesses. Examples of topics covered include: selection of business form, tax planning, financing and cash flow planning. Special problems of family businesses include integrating family members into the business, motivating and retaining non-family employees, and business succession strategies. These issues will be viewed from a multi-disciplinary perspective that includes legal, tax and behavioral considerations.

    3 credits
  • GB 6231 - International Business for Entrepreneurs

    Entrepreneurship in the 21st century is evolving. Because of global changes in technology, communications, and capital markets, today’s innovative startups are building successful companies in countries around the globe, in many instances with investors, vendors, customers, and employees located thousands of miles away. The challenges these leading-edge companies face, particularly in emerging markets, are some of the most sophisticated issues both for businesses and governments alike.

    3 credits
  • GB 6239 - Portfolio Management

    Focuses on current practice and recent theoretical developments. Deals with characteristics of individual securities and portfolios, criteria and models for alternative portfolio composition, criteria for evaluation and measurement of performance, and the impact of government regulation. Evaluation of current theory, its significance for financial management decision making, and consideration of relevant empirical evidence are covered.

    3 credits
  • GB 6244 - Strategic Procurement

    Competition is no longer company versus company; it is supply chain versus supply chain. More and more, companies are counting on their suppliers to lower costs, improve quality, and develop innovations. The success of a firm and its ability to satisfy customer expectations are influenced greatly by the capabilities and performance of its suppliers. The objectives of this course are to understand the relationship between suppliers and customer, determine which elements in the relationship are critical, examine how relationships vary among industries and products, and develop and implement effective supplier relationships. The course should help firms identify ways to categorize and organize suppliers, build and retain good supplier relationships and ensure that suppliers meet quality and delivery requirements. This should lead to a better understanding of supplier relationships so that better strategic sourcing decisions can be made. Using this approach, companies can reduce enterprise spending, consolidate and prioritize suppliers, reduce supplier risk, and align procurement strategies with corporate goals.

    3 credits
  • GB 6277 - Mergers and Acquisitions

    An analysis of the acquisition by one firm of all or some of the assets of another firm and its impact on both the companies involved and on society. Topics include a discussion of the types of combinations, the motivations of the participants, the financial analysis required to carry out merger or acquisition activities, negotiation strategies, and the tax and accounting options that are available to the parties.

    3 credits
  • GB 6299 - Social Entrepreneurship

    Social Entrepreneurship involves recognizing opportunities, combining and mobilizing resources, triggering positive changes in various domains, and building sustainability. It aims at social impact, but does not exclude economic wealth creation. Social Entrepreneurship is about using entrepreneurial skills to craft innovative responses to social problems.

    3 credits
  • GB 6309 - Management Information Systems in Supply Chain Management

    A comprehensive study of the concepts, processes, and strategies used in the development and management of global supply chains. Supply-chain management (SCM) is a systems approach to managing the entire flow of information, materials, and services from raw material suppliers through factories and warehouses to the final end-customer. Specific topics include: global supply chain management, procurement, electronic commerce, information technologies, and logistics activities. SCM represents a philosophy of doing business that stresses processes and integration. This course will be taught through the use of textbook materials, outside readings, and case analysis.

    3 credits
  • GB 6310 - Auditing

    The objectives of this course are to provide the student with detailed concepts and the current practice of financial statement auditing, and to improve analytical and communication skills through a variety of in-class activities and a comprehensive auditing case project environment.

    3 credits
  • GB 6320 - Commercial Law for Accountants

    This course emphasizes the most current commercial law topics required for accountants in both practice and preparation for advanced licensing. Topics include: common law contracts; Article 2 of the UCC Sales; Article 9 of the UCC Secured Transactions; federal securities law and basic debtor creditor law.

    3 credits
  • GB 6324 - Executive Compensation

    We now live in a “winner take all” economic environment where the dispersion of pay and other rewards between the “winners,” who have marketable skills, and the others, whose skills are not in demand, is growing farther apart. Executives, managers, technologists and others with rare and hard to replace skills are being rewarded like “one of a kind” athletes and media stars in the labor market. This trend of high pay for high potential employees is the most developed in the United States, but other countries who compete with the U.S. for talent are also adjusting their pay policies to cope with this world-wide phenomenon. This course will explore this trend from economic, management, ethical and legal perspectives.

    3 credits

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